Our Story

Vitality Juice Co, the finest cold pressed juice delivery business in the Pacific North West.

Having experienced the huge health benefits from a young age that cold pressed juice gave to Louise, she decided to incorporate this into her daily life. 

It was also incredibly important to her to pass on the knowledge and benefits to her 15 year old daughter Olivia, who not only understands the importance of being healthy, but gets to learn about the day to day running of the business as a young entrepreneur. 

It’s equally important to Louise & Olivia that others are made aware of the health benefits of drinking juice, hence Vitality Juice Co. being born.

Our Mission

At Vitality Juice Co. our mission is to provide raw fresh cold pressed juices, to give the body the nutrition it needs & deserves. Sourcing local and organic whenever possible to craft out delicious juices.

Our juices are intentionally raw. Not pasteurised & Not processed, resulting with many great benefits. They can be used as a meal replacement or a healthy snack option.

Our mission is also to help educate younger people to be healthier and understand the importance of the intake of raw nutrients needed in the body to boost functionality 100%